February 21, 2023 | Homeowners

How to make sure your home is secure when you go on vacation

March Break is right around the corner, and if your family has plans to head out of town, you’ll want to ensure your home is secure while you’re gone. Here are some tips for making sure your home—and everything in it—stays safe and sound.

Check that all openings are closed and locked

Set aside time to do a thorough sweep of your home before you leave for your vacation—this means double-checking that all windows and doors are closed and locked, and don’t forget to make sure there’s no unlocked access into your home through the garage.

Use smart technology

Smart technology can help give the illusion that you’re home when you’re not. App-activated lights can be set on a timer or turned on remotely, and smart doorbell cameras let you see if someone approaches your home from wherever you are (as long as there’s Wi-Fi).

Have someone check-in

If you’re away for an extended period of time, ask a trusted neighbour, friend, or family member to check in on your home periodically while you’re away. They can collect your mail and make sure nothing suspicious has happened on your property.

Put away the spare key

While it may be tempting to leave the spare key under the doormat for the person who will be checking on your home, it’s better to hand them a copy of your key before you go. This way, you eliminate the chance of a burglar finding the key and gaining easy access to your home.

Safely store valuables

It’s smart to store valuables like jewellery and important documents in a safe, just in case someone were to get into your home. Better yet, store these items in a safety deposit box at a bank.

Don’t overshare your plans

When you’re excited about a getaway, it’s natural to want to share pictures and status updates on social media. But, you never know how this information will get shared and who might see your posts – the information that you’re away can be an open invitation to burglars. Share only with people you trust, or wait until you get home to post memories of your trip.

Invest in a security system

If you’re really concerned about keeping your home safe while you’re out of town, invest in a home security system for peace of mind. Surveillance cameras, sensors, and lighting can help keep your property protected.

What’s your best home security tip for when you go on vacation? Let us know!

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